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  • Writer's pictureAimee Heckel

Awesome Field Trip #2

By Betty Anne

On Friday we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The first exhibit we went to was the new dog exhibit. It was super fun! We walked through with a guide at first and then we went again by ourselves doing all the hands on parts!

Some of the highlights are… the part where you can train your family, the place where you can walk through a neighborhood with dogs and without dogs and see the differences, the race and sound part, and the dog's eye view.

Did you know dogs see everything a lot more blurry and they use their other senses like smell to help them around and live their normal life? Awesome right?

Dogs are awesome creatures and should be appreciated for how much they help us! This exhibit taught me so much about dogs! It's crazy how much I didn't know.

Like if you are on a walk and your dog stops and sniffs a tree or spot of grass, you should let them sniff because it tires them out, and when your dog chases his or her tail it means they need more exercise! I recommend this exhibit for sure.

The next exhibit we went to was the LEGO exhibit. It was so cool and I have been into LEGOs a lot lately. They're super fun and cool to build. Anyway everything we saw was so cool. We saw so many recreations of famous paintings like the “Mona Lisa” in LEGO form. It was awesome.

We also saw new art forms in LEGO and giant LEGO builds! I mean giant builds! It was crazy!

There was a build of a dinosaur, and a giant one of a guy swimming! They were just huge! There were also some life-sized humans and a super cool LEGO dress!

Then we went to the crystal exhibit. It was awesome. When you first walk in straight ahead there's a giant place packed with giant crystals. I can’t even explain how amazing it was.

After you stop there for a while and admire every single little crystal, you turn to the left and there's another room with different crystals and it's just crazy how many there are. It's breathtaking. Then if you keep walking there's even more crystals and more and it goes on forever! It's crazy! It's so beautiful, every single one!

The next exhibit was health! It was awesome. When you first walk in there's a spot where you grab a card and then you put it in a slot and pick your partner that will help you on your journey through the exhibit. Then you can explore the different parts. It's super hands on and there are parts where you can see your heart rate, your pulse and your pace on how fast you walk. You can also see what you will look like when you're seventy. It was so fun and I recommend it.

The last exhibit we went to was the dinosaur exhibit. In this exhibit we learned all about dinosaurs and how they evolved to be us and animals today. Some of the dinosaurs that are still here today are turtles, lizards, and alligators. It's amazing that a creature can live so long. We also learned a lot about fossils in this exhibit and prehistoric creatures.

This field trip was super fun and I differently recommend it! In conclusion, I love my school.

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